
Lucy is one of our “Stay Home, Stay Safe” housemates. We’ve spent so much time together over the last two months she feels like part of the family. At almost 11 years old, the black on her adorable Pug mug has faded to gray. Twice daily walks through our neighborhood in the crisp Northern Michigan air has trimmed out Lucy’s figure. She’s even lost a pound or two.

I envy her ability to drift off into a deep, restful, sleep. There are moments when I’d like to take a break from the news, curl up next to her and dream the day away. But that’s Molly’s job. Our Portuguese Water Dog is prone to picking a spot on the floor near Lucy’s bed and sleeping parallel to her new pal.

Lucy belongs to Paige, Josh’s girlfriend. On the weekends, the trio hikes in the woods together. Lucy does her very best to keep up. If she falls behind, Paige slips her in a backpack, so Lucy can rest for a minute or two.

When she’s not on a walk or hike, Lucy loves to sunbathe on the back deck. Although she’s normally quiet, she’s likes to yip at the Pileated Woodpeckers. I would too, if a bird my size was circling overhead.

Our in-house photographer, Joe, always has a camera within reach. We, his human housemates, haven’t done much lately but sit in front of a computer, so he’s turned his lens on our canine companions. We are all eagerly waiting for warmer weather, so we can soak up the sun with Lucy.