Backyard Birds


Seated in front of the kitchen windows, our son Josh said, “One bird I’d really like to see is the pileated woodpecker.” Later that afternoon, as if he heard Josh’s wish, a pileated woodpecker visited the large suet feeder hanging in the backyard. Now he swoops in twice a day, trying different feeders, but always returning to the suet. He’s the king of the backyard. When he arrives all of the other birds take flight. While the woodpecker works on the suet there can be so many Goldfinches seeking solace in the bushes it looks like we have a garden of yellow flowers.

Friday afternoon, when the sun’s heat was just a memory, we were seated on the deck talking about our weekend plans. While we chatted, a pair of pileated woodpeckers circled the yard and landed in a large oak tree. The red-headed duo swooped toward the feeders, but did not settle in to peck. Perhaps we were too close? April’s weather kept us inside, but we hope to spend our spring evenings watching the sunset. Hopefully, the woodpeckers will learn to share the yard.